早上好! 在装机生产中STM32F103RCT6芯片能正常工作,成品机器交付客户使用后出现STM32F103RCT6芯片烧毁损坏的情况。成品机器与客户端通讯接口内信号线是直接连接芯片I/O口,客户端与成品机器联合使用,当成品机器出线异常(后排查为STM32F103RCT6芯片烧毁),客户端未出现芯片烧毁的情况。相关直连引脚为【PB3】&【PB4】,PB3做输出I/O量,PB4做输入I/O量。 请问该芯片烧毁的原因可能是哪些?
早上好! 在装机生产中STM32F103RCT6芯片能正常工作,成品机器交付客户使用后出现STM32F103RCT6芯片烧毁损坏的情况。成品机器与客户端通讯接口内信号线是直接连接芯片I/O口,客户端与成品机器联合使用,当成品机器出线异常(后排查为STM32F103RCT6芯片烧毁),客户端未出现芯片烧毁的情况。相关直连引脚为【PB3】&【PB4】,PB3做输出I/O量,PB4做输入I/O量。 请问该芯片烧毁的原因可能是哪些?
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HI STM Team,I am new to STM32 Board. I am using NUCLEO-F439ZI Board. When I was connecting my USB-OTG side to my PC, I will suffer from the "Unknow USB Device" Error, The error screenshot was attached below for your reference . Please Guide me to rec...
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Hi all, I'm working on the NOR Flash via OSPI(using as QSPI) with the STM32U585 board. implementing this via filex and levelx, i have done all the configuration referring to the example provided by ST with the minor changes. I'm getting error in the ...
This morning I got an email from ST which included a section on using VS Code to target STM32 CubeMX projects.This appeals to me since the STM32CubeIDE is seriously lacking in focus from ST. It has looooooong standing bugs which no-one cares about, b...