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Master Slave sync queston

I have two nucleo boards communicating over SPI.  No Interrupts; No DMA ;   Using HAL TransmitReceive(..)   Chip Select set by software.  Simple  8 char ASCII Transfer.  Everything Works....almost.  I am using a logic analyzer to monitor the interact...

Greybeard by Associate II
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Resolved! Cortex-M0 Thumb alignment

Hi everybody,I am using STM32F042G6 MCU for an automotive project and since It doesn't have mush FLASH (32kB) I am trying to reduce code size as much as possible.Lookign at the linker file generated by STM32CubeMX, I see that instructions are aligned...

Resolved! G431 - reset counter and prescaler on input capture

Is there a way to reset the counter and the prescaler via a hard event or something when an input capture happens?I use timer 1 to have a hall interface and to drive timer 8. But there are some fluctuations, because the interrupt (where i reset count...

Tobe by Senior III
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USB HOST with STM32F407 can not activate CH340

I'm using STM32F407 as a USB host. I have multiple devices in which we are using CH340E as the USB to serial communication. The problem is if that device somehow turns off and CH340E loses its power. The USB Host can not transmit data to the other de...

MKDas by Associate II
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Resolved! I2C TCR flag

hi,The datasheet says "In this mode, the TCR flag is set when the number of bytes programmed in NBYTES is transferred"Does this mean that the flag will be set when the data is transferred from TXDR to shift register, Or, the flag will be only set if ...

andy_long by Associate III
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RTC integrity check

Hi,I've been using stand-alone RTCs that clearly indicate through a specific bit whether the date is correct or may have been corrupted by undervoltage.I cannot find any clear indication of a similar feature for the RTC integrated in the STM32F446 (u...

EPa by Associate
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Resolved! inconsistent behaviour in TIMER and CCxR interrupt

Hi, I'm using an STM32L053R6Tx chipI've implemented at TMR2_interrupt hander it gets triggered on ARR overflow and CC1FI'm using the interrupt to trigger a GPIO output to work like a PWM the- GPIO is high when CNT is less than CCR1- GPIO is low when ...

evank by Associate
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