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Forum Posts

Direct Access to the SRAM

Hello, as part of my master's, I am required to process information received from some electronic system, I need to read 36 bits (output of 3 12 bit ADC) at the same time and process them and perform calculations and for that I need execution speed. ...


I am developing a project in which I need to read data that is sent on the UART.Since it was not working i tried to write a new firmware that only reads from UART, with the following code:/* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */volatile HAL_StatusTypeDef huart3RxStat...

Resolved! PWM No Output

Hello,I am using STM32L052K6T6 with a passive buzzer is connected to PA6. Idea was to use TIM22_CH1 as PWM output to feed the buzzer. However when I get to configure PWM on this port, only relevant looking option is "PWM Generation No Output" and ind...

cage by Associate II
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SRM32L4 Firmware Installation

HelloI cannot complete the step 4 of Tools Installation, the installation of STM32CubeL3 Firmware package.The STM32CubeMX program is not accepting it.I downloaded it from the website, but the program cannot recognize it.What do I have to do?Th...

FabioCC by Associate II
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Resolved! WARNING app_common.h

I recently create a project for a NUCLEO-WB15CC on STM32CubeMX where the output was the following:Is there any solution for this warning?

STM32F401 USART Bootloader Issue

HiI am having an issues trying to program an STM32F401 LQFP-64 chip over USART. Previously I have been able to do this on a STM32F103 with no issues.Boot0 pin is connected to Vdd and Boot1 is connected to ground. I am using USART1(PA9/10). When I sen...

krazzak by Associate
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Resolved! printf() working on one project but not another

I have 2 projects for a nucleo-H536ZI. the first project the printf()s work and are tied to the _write() function which I have debugged and proven. The second project the printfs() do not work using the same printf() & _write() function code again an...

JRM_02 by Associate II
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