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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32H7 TIM1 PWM Issue

I am attempting to use TIM1 CH1 to produce a 4MHz PWM with 50% duty cycle, to be used as a clock input to a knock sensor.  TIM1 is on the APB2 Timer Clock with I have configured at 200 MHz: To get a 4MHz frequency I have PSC = 0 and the ARR/Counter p...

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dsurrett by Associate II
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Resolved! UART message not Receiving in ESP32 from STM32

hi all,I'm Trying to send a string from STM32F401RE MCU to EPS32 Via UART i have programmed both STM as well as ESP32 and i successfully verified that data is available on UART pin of STM  Data on UART Pins of STMBut I'm not able to receive data on E...

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Timer with a relax period

HII need a simple timer that can make a PWM signal BUT with custom pauses or a relax period every number of pulses ... I have the code working very well with no relax , but I do not know how to write the relax period in the timer script itself...Here...

Search for the MCU

Hi,1, Im searching for an mcu which can handle a HS/FS communication(sends data to PC 50*8830bytes) with a PC, and an USB fs communication with a external 4 port hub. the hub will connect 4 stm's which sends data(1316 bytes) periodicaly and sincroniz...

RBacs.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! UART fired only once - STM32U5 Custom Board

Hello,I'm working with an STM32U5 custom board.I use the LPUART1 to read input with an interrupt as shown below and to write it back on the same LPUART1 :  void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin (GPIOA, GPIO_...

TV79 by Associate II
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OV7670 not being recognized

Hello,I want to use an OV7670 camera with my STM32U585CIU6 MCU. I've done all connections but failed to identify the camera module with I2C. I have then removed the wiring and just kept the following connections: 3.3V supply, GND, SCL and SDA (pull-u...

I2C Slave Address Set Problem

I'm trying to read data from my I2C sensor, the MLX90614 sensor, using a STM32F411CEU6. When I examined the MLX90614 datasheet, I saw that the I2C clock speed should be a maximum of 100kHz and I configured the clock accordingly. However, after the st...

Omerbzkt by Associate
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