User Activity

Dear all. I stumbled across something I don't really understand. I'm trying to detect a signal using SPI1 on STM32f723 as fast as possible and fill a buffer. I configured SPI1 in SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES_RXONLY mode, set prescaler to SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALE...
Dear all I have terrible problem regarding security in my application developed for a client. I am using BlueNRG-2 in my target system (which is custom made) and I observed the same situation on STEVAL-IDB007V1 as well. To make things short, the ea...
Posted on December 14, 2016 at 13:39 Hi all. I noticed that when debugging a STM32F091 MCU my systick ISR never gets called. I Use STMCube library, so HAL_GetTick and HAL_Delay ceases to work as well (because uwTick is not increased). But onl...
Posted on April 15, 2016 at 00:13Hi    I think I found a bug in aci_att_find_information_req which always returns BLE_STATUS_TIMEOUT for me. This function creates a hci_request variable, fills it with zeros, and then sets all fields except ''event''...
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