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Forum Posts

STM32 SPI HAL Error (Not Sending any data)

I'm using a NUCLEO-H563ZI and the STM32 HAL (generated by CubeMX) and there's no data (and no activity) on any of the SPI lines.I'm using SPI2 and it is configured as follows:   static void MX_SPI2_Init(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN SPI2_Init 0 */ ...

BenG_1-1718892054562.png BenG_0-1718892033174.png
BenG by Associate II
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Dual Boot Bank Swap Boot Loader is not working

I am experiencing an issue with the Dual Boot Bank Swap Boot Loader on my STM32G474RE microcontroller. I am able to run code for GPIO led Toggle in both flash memory banks by swapping the banks using SwitchBank function (executed once), but neither b...

Resolved! What is a good approach to measure the time it takes to receive each I2S sample when using DMA from a CODEC into my STMF446 when using interrupt callbacks?

Hi, in my current audio processing set up I have a CODEC set as master connected to my STM32F446RE (slave). The current configuration utilizes I2S DMA interrupt callbacks to handle the input and processing of these samples received. The CODEC receive...

AP.10 by Associate II
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How to reset counter value ?

This post was originally attached to this old, solved thread:    Hi,   in my case this technique has some drowback. It seems that using the macro  __HAL_TIM_SET_CO...

FAJOL.1 by Associate III
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Writing from Bootloader on STM32H735

Hello everyone,I am currently working on a bootloader project for the STM32H735, using the pre-configured ExtMem_Boot project provided by the STM32CubeIDE. However, I am encountering an issue when trying to write to the external flash memory at addre...

HispaEmo by Associate III
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Resolved! Regarding USB Driver

Hello Everyone, I'm Bala! I'm New to the Embedded Field, In our Project I have to write one USB Driver code fully. This is where USB and Enum install, Endpoint Bulk transfer thing, Getting Device and Config Descriptor, and everything else comes in. S...

bsn_14 by Associate II
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