2024-09-02 5:07 AM
Hello ST Community,
I am working on a project where I need to interface an STM32 MCU with the ATWINC1500 Wi-Fi module and am looking for some assistance. Here are the key areas where I need guidance:
Any assistance, resources, or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance
2024-09-02 6:12 AM
Perhaps you can engage an embedded engineer via Fiverr?
Doesn't the ATWINC1500 use SPI?
Check Github and Arduino for code examples and drivers you can port yourself.
Look at other SPI Examples to gauge how that works on the STM32 and how you might get that abstraction working with examples for other, or generic, MCU platforms.
I wouldn't expect ST to create you a customized solution
2024-09-07 4:41 PM
check out https://github.com/gd91/stm32_winc1500_AP_example.
I based a project on this and it works a treat.