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Forum Posts

After standby LSE not work

I'm using the STM32G030FP6 in standby mode with WKUP2 for wakeup and the system has a backup battery. I'm facing the following issues:When using the LSI clock, standby entry and WKUP2 wakeup work normally.When using the LSE clock, after entering stan...

ZZH by Associate
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Memory Synchronization Barriers

I am running code on an STM32U585QI that enters STOP2 when the code is idle.   I am disabling the data cache before going to stop2, and enabling it when coming out (to deal with an errata item).  My code basically does this:HAL_DCACHE_DeInit(); HAL_P...

BDoon.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32L476 OPAMP is not working as expected

Hi,I am using an STM32L476 on Nucleo64 board, I am amplifying a 1MHz 200mVpp sine wave with a 100mV offset in order to try the OPAMP but I dont think it is working. I configured OPAMP in PGA not connected mode(Also tried PGA connected too) and gave i...

Stm325_0-1742476994977.png Stm325_1-1742477009544.png PGA2_CON.PNG
Stm325 by Associate III
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