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Forum Posts

Trouble with CAN Interrupt and Free RTOS

I am having issues with the use of HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback. I've set every configuration (filter, start, interrupt, notification, and priority), but the function doesn't seem to be called at any time.Most of the code is generated from the c...

SPI TransmitReceive wrong behavior

Hello ST expert.I'm trying to create SPI communication as shown in the CubeMX image.and the following code/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file : main.c ...

Paulo971_0-1716058239690.png Paulo971_1-1716058254335.png Paulo971_2-1716058418846.png
Paulo971 by Associate III
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STM32G051G6U6 IWDG not refreshing

Hi,I am facing an issue with IWDG in  STM32G051G6U6.HAL_IWDG_Refresh(&hiwdg);  not refreshing IWDG and  the core resets after IWDG overflow time.IWDG overflow is set at 13Sec (varying wrt prescaler) and I am refreshing it at every 1 sec.Counter presc...

Resolved! Simple UART problem STM32H753

Hi,I'm relatively new to the STM32 world and I'm becoming frustrated that I can't make a simple UART work. No DMA, no interrupts just trying to send bytes out of the UART and then receive them. Here is my setup code:      void UART7_Init(void) { GP...

GlennH by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7 ADC calibration, I don't understand

Hi all,I am experimenting with H7 ADC (after having tried the G4 ADC).I see in the HAL that the calibration, HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(), for H7 MCU wants a parameter more than G4. One should specify ADC_CALIB_OFFSET or ADC_CALIB_OFFSET_LINEARITY.I...

linuxfan by Associate II
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