Resolved! FDCAN with GPDAM.
Hi, i am looking for to use FDCAN by using GPDMA . I am using STM32H5 MCU for my application. it is not clear to me how can i use GPDMA with FDCAN. please guide me__PRESENT
Hi, i am looking for to use FDCAN by using GPDMA . I am using STM32H5 MCU for my application. it is not clear to me how can i use GPDMA with FDCAN. please guide me__PRESENT
Hello all, I am trying to receive CAN frames from a BMS, each frame is sent every 100ms and i am running the MCU's clock frequency at 180MHz (max speed) for Nucleo F446RE. Unfortunately, i am missing some frames randomly and it makes my stateflow n...
void tcpsend (char *data) { // send the data to the connected connection netconn_write(conn, data, strlen(data), NETCONN_COPY); // relaese the semaphore sys_sem_signal(&tcpsem); } // //void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *UartHandle) ...
I made a driver for 1-Wire communication using UART in Single Wire Half Duplex mode.The communication is started by sending a RESET pulse that should last 480us. I read that to do it using UART I should set it up to 9600 baud, 8N1, then send 0xf0. Lo...
I understand that ADC Linear Calibration is performed during device production and the values stored in the System Memory.However, I have been unable to find any documentation on where the 6 values are stored.Also, are their 6 values per ADC device (...
I would like to know if it is possible to generate a sweep signal (a sine wave with increasing frequency) using DAC with DIMA transfer and simultaneously sample it by ADC and store these ADC values in memory.To generate the sweep signal, I use TIM2 a...
Dear Sir/Madam,I have already implemented the usb host mass storage class project which mainly mounts the usb disk & writes some data to a given file. But this application is not working. Only usb unmout case is executing even though I am inserting ...
The steps that I had done (STM32F429I-DISC1 Board)1. copy and paste the code into syscalls.c2. edit the _write function4. build the project5. edit the debugger setting6. start debug7. enable the SWV ITM Data Console8. enable the port 0 in SWV9. the s...
hi ,Working on USB - Device_Only wake up from Stop mode and entering to stop mode is successful but not wakeup from stop mode .There is no example code for USB wake up from STOP Mode .Entered to stop with following code : HAL_SuspendTick(); HAL_PW...
Hello Team,I'm trying to add authentication to my existing Hardware having STM32H7 series MCU.I'm using Microchip's AETCC608B Secure element as the Hardware authentication IC.Microchip has provided a Library for FIrmware integration in the GitHub rep...