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Stm32f4 fatfs sdio problem

Posted on November 30, 2016 at 18:41Hi,I am using fatfs sdio with my stm32f429 mcu. When i use f_open function in main loop it works well, but when i use it in timer interrupt callback function it fails, it does not return from fatfs. what can the r...

er3481 by Senior
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Hardware Error in M3 and M4?

Posted on November 29, 2016 at 13:23if i call the assembly instruction ''sub sp, sp, 0xF8'' alias ''BE B0'' (instruction code), the code is executed as a ''nop''. Checked with F103 and L471. Does anyone know about that or can confirm this? Is the as...

damh by Associate II
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STM32 embedded flash as micro file system

Posted on November 29, 2016 at 12:43Hi All, I need to use an stm2f411 embedded flash as little file system. There will be about 20 small files on it. I found the uffs file system which is seems to be good for this. I found some information in stm32...

zamek42 by Associate II
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Posted on November 18, 2016 at 04:52STM32L476RG on Nucleo - Porting over the example from EVAL board with 8Mhz Crystal STM32CubeL4 - HAL demo. If using the HSE with an input source of 8Mhz supplied by STlink, 1. I believe I need to set HSEBYP = 1 f...

Starting STM32 USB project

Posted on September 21, 2016 at 18:14I'm about to start a USB project. New to me with STM. I am using an STM32L476RG on a Nucleo board. (Yes we're cheap). I see LOTS of opportunity for myself. Lots of GOOD and LOTS of UNKNOWN. The LOTS of UNKNOWN c...

Loop in USB_IRQHandler if unplugged

Posted on August 29, 2016 at 22:49Hi, I'm using the USB port in CDC with STM32F072 device. I'm using the F0 STM32Cube package version 1.5.0 At power up, if the device in not USB connected to a host, it goes in infinite loop in the USB_IRQHandler fun...

Character Match in UART setting problem

Posted on November 30, 2016 at 19:45Hi,I am trying to set a character match interrupt on Uart2 of stm32L4 (discovery board).all things work fine but it just seems to have a bug, in page 1229 of STM32L4X6 datasheet it is written:''This bit field can ...

Resolved! Dead Time Configuration in STM32F4 Discovery

Posted on December 01, 2016 at 05:00Hello Sir, i want to ask how to add 390ns or 0.39us for dead time ?My systemclock = 64 MHzMy AHB Prescaler = 4so my HCLK = 16 MHzand because of APB1 Prescaler = 1then my APB1 peripheral clocks = 16 MHzSo, what num...