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Forum Posts

RTX Configuration via STM32CubeMX

Posted on September 26, 2016 at 11:56Hi,I would like to use CubeMX and its grafical interface to generate code for my project in the Keil uvision IDE. I would like to use RTX RTOS too.I only found this tutorial:

jbeloso by Associate
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STM32 Discovery Board vs Evaluation board

Posted on September 23, 2016 at 12:39Hey guys,I'm thinking of buying a discovery board or evaluation board. However I'm not sure which one to choose.I'm currently working on an Arduino for a private project, but arduino has 2 Major disadvantages: 1)...

ETH DMA stuck in ''waiting for status''

Posted on September 21, 2016 at 15:36Hello. I'm working on a project, running on STM32F427IIH6, which uses FreeRTOS 6.1 and LwIP 2.0. There are several TCP clients and TCP/UDP servers and it's running with no issues. But after adding UDP client, lo...

danicek by Associate
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STM32L476 I2C speed setting accurately?

Posted on September 22, 2016 at 18:53Hi there,I got an issue recently when I was trying to set up the I2C speeds for STM32L476RG. I can set it up for an approximate value but never get the exact one. For example, I want to achieve 100 kHz while I ca...

jiayuan by Associate II
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Errata Sheet Es0291 error for STM32F070xB

Posted on September 23, 2016 at 08:26en.DM00148061.pdf 1.2.2 says: USART4_RX does not work as output on PC11 As a consequence, single wire half duplex mode is not supported with pin PC11. ->Use USART4_RX mapped on PA0 instead on PC11 (PA0 is USART4_...

Trouble with RTC and 1Hz interrupt

Posted on September 18, 2016 at 09:40Hello,I have been hanging on this problem since days and have googeld a very lot but can not solve this.I am working with a Nucleo F411RE and TrueStudio. I want to generate a 1Hz interrupt with the RTC. The syste...

Does STM32F103 MCU support USB CCID interface?

Posted on September 26, 2016 at 05:52My project team is evaluating the feasibility to implement USB CCID interface on the STM32F103 MCU. We were unable to find the USB CCID support in the standard peripheral library for STM32F10x.  Only the standar...