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Forum Posts


Posted on November 09, 2014 at 12:20 Dear All My following program blinks the LED using systick timer,while after ten times blink the LED the MCU should goes to sleep mode please advice to configure sleep method #include 'stm32f0xx....

pic_micro by Associate II
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Is this possible with complementary PWM?

Posted on December 22, 2016 at 12:43 Hello everyone, I want to ask something about Advanced Control Timers. In RM0008, I saw an example (Fig. 95) but I can't understand how it is possible. I tried an example and my PWM signals (ex. on Fig. 95...

Cemre . by Associate II
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Interupt responstime issue stm32f429 vs stm32f767

Posted on December 14, 2016 at 14:36hello,I'am use for a project the stm32f429. The interrupt handler must react so soon as possible.The stm32f429 interrupt responstime is 218ns.It's  fast but not fast enough. I decided to make a new design with the...

Hans T by Associate III
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STM32F4 TIM1 One Shot Mode configuration

Posted on November 29, 2016 at 23:27Greetings,I am trying to achieve the following with TIM1 and TIM1_CH1:1. Generate X number of PWM pulses after an event.2. Idle state of PWM output should be low.3. Pulse output should be high immediately after PW...

rcstang by Associate
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Touchscreen linearity on STM32F469 issue

Posted on December 11, 2016 at 01:29After spending a lot of time with an STM32F469 discovery board I found that the touch screen doesn't have good linearity at all.  You can't draw a straight line across the screen.  If you for instance, start on th...

ARM mbed semihosting fs with stm32

Posted on December 15, 2016 at 20:48One of the unique things about ARM mbed-enabled boards (such as my 32F746GDISCOVERY) is that they have a small storage area that is shows up in Windows or Linux when the board is connected by USB. An executable ca...

STM32F407G-DISC1 - cannot access memory

Posted on December 22, 2016 at 15:02Hi,after working with this board fine for a while I now have a problem. Using Keil when I tried to LOAD the program a message reads: 'Flash Timeout. Reset the Target and try again.'. I tried a lot of things, from ...

How to control CS independently of SRAM R/W ?

Posted on December 21, 2016 at 20:37Hello,We use LCD interface with SM32F4 , with ILITEK 9341.According to LCD datasheet is it required that CS will be kept active throught several writings of data/control.But We see that each write of 8-bit word re...

ranran by Senior II
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