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Posted on December 16, 2017 at 02:40Hello!I am working with CS43L22 on STM32F407VG Discovery Board. I use Audio_playback_and_record example to play .wav file. If i use headphone, I can get good sound. But If I use speaker I get small sound. Is that ...
Posted on December 04, 2017 at 03:51 I use STM32 Cube to config USART2 to transmit data to computer. I don't enable USART2 Interrupt. I use DMA for USART2 Tx only (DMA1 Stream 6).uint8_t Data_to_send[5000]; __IO uint8_t Probe=0;int main(void) { HAL...
Posted on December 01, 2017 at 04:40I am working with STM32F407 Discovery Board and micro SD Card. I use STM32CubeMX version 4.23 to config SDIO 4 bit.This is my code to read data from micro sd card: FATFS myfatfs; FIL myfile; uint8_t SD_Data_Read_A...
Posted on November 21, 2017 at 03:40I use stm32cubemx version 4.23. When I use SDIO 4bit and FATFS middleware, I see USE DMA Template option. If I choose 'disable', my code will run correctly. But If I I choose 'enable', I can't read and write data ...
Posted on May 06, 2017 at 09:37As the tittle! I only have stm32f746ng discovery board.