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Posted on October 25, 2016 at 16:47I am trying to port the ''STemWin_HelloWorld'' example in   Applications  section of ''STM32F412G-Discovery'' board  of ''stm32cube_fw_f4_v1130 '' package. The code is originally for STM32F412G which uses FSMC peri...
Posted on October 03, 2016 at 14:43I have a STM32F407 board and I need to drive 480*272 TFT with touch. I am new to TFT and Graphics. After some reading/Googling I have decided to use STemWin for the graphics which ST provides free. I plan to start ...
Posted on August 21, 2016 at 14:34I m New to STM32 and TFT. I need to Interface a TFT LCD with Touch screen to ST32103CB MCU. Which is the library or example project ST Micro provides for this task for me to begin as a template. The example I found ...