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Forum Posts

Resolved! HAL_Delay() doesn't synch with RTC on STM32H7A3

I'm rewriting some of my old LL code to use HAL and having trouble getting the RTC to read time correctly. I have a simple test project where I'm calling HAL_RTC_GetTime() and HAL_RTC_GetDate() before and after a call to HAL_Delay() with the expectat...

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magene by Senior II
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Resolved! 32F413 Port Pin States During Deep Sleep?

I'm the hardware guy on a 32F413 project where we have a lot of impulse noise nearby on the PCB.  Because of this I've been on a campaign to make certain that all microcontroller I/O pins are equipped with pull-up or pull-down resistors.The project h...

JOLSO.11 by Associate II
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Resolved! my stm32f4 cannot connect to stlink normally

I am facing an issue with my custom-made STM32F4x minimum system board. I am experiencing unstable connections with the STLink. I am using an AMS1117 for power supply, and I have found that when the STLink supplies power at 5V to the AMS1117, it cann...

Resolved! FileX + USB Host on B-U585I-IOT02A

Hello forumI'm trying to implement a project that takes the sensor data and saving it into a USB flash Drive,for that, I'm trying to use the MX system to activate:USBPD - Type C only, TIM2, enabled USB support USBX - Host CoreStack FS, Host Controlle...

External 32.768KHz Oscillator for RTC in STM32H743

Hi,I want to use External 32.768KHz Oscillator as clock source for RTC. This is a reference schematic how I intend to connect Oscillator with RCC_OSC32_IN pin on my STM32H743 microcontroller.  My Query is since oscillator requires Vcc 3.3V to operate...

VShet.2 by Associate III
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Problems with communication with TMC2209 through UART

Hello. I have problems with communication with TMC2209 through UART. It doesn't respond at all. I think that I've fried a receiver in UART1. Is that even possible? My board is Nucleo-F303k8. Please help me. Here's the code:/* USER CODE BEGIN Header *...

Adar70 by Associate II
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Resolved! CAN failed to reinit after deinit for STM32F105

Can failed to reinit after deinit. 1. Two cans was used for my projects which was generated by stm32cubemx 2. after run for a short while , I turn off both cans by HAL_CAN_DeInit 3. then I reinit both cans by MX_canx_init and found it failed in HAL_C...

supgz by Associate II
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