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3 Phase pwm dutycycle with DMA issue

Posted on December 17, 2016 at 11:18Hello,i am working on a school project regarding 3 phase motor control. I have a nucleo32 board with a stm32f410 deviceThe ideea is to generate a lookup table for the dutycycle values, and transfer them to the CCR...

Bogdan by Senior
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Connecting to STM32f0 with ST-Link Utility (SWD)

Posted on January 21, 2014 at 10:36I'm having some troubles connecting an ST-Link to a STM32f0 microcontroller. Did is what i did/tried: Soldering STM32f051 (LQFP48) to DIP adaptorVBAT, VDDA, 2x VDD to +3,6VVSSA, 2x VSS to GNDBOOT0 to GNDNRST with...

r23 by Associate II
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Processor is sensitive to moderate Temperature

Posted on December 29, 2015 at 03:33I am using the STM32F072RBT6  64pin LQFP My code seems quite stable, but this chip is showing signs of being overly sensitive to temperature... Since I have so much capacitance around the board on the same power l...

T J by Lead
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I2C multimaster mode

Posted on December 17, 2016 at 19:28Hi,I would like to know if I can use one I2C bus for 3 devices, first is master, sencond is slave and third is master/slave (STM will siwtch between master and slave mode to communicate with this 2 devices). Is th...

karol1dw by Associate
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Posted on December 16, 2016 at 14:08Hi,My name is amarr., am new to this forum, I am trying to send some AT commands to STM32F401VDT controller throughSPI protocol to Wifi module(ESP12E vendor Ai-Thinker). For that purpose i need to make Module into...

amar2 by Associate II
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USB baud rate

Posted on December 15, 2016 at 14:11Hello, I'm trying to work with USB FS mode embedded in stm32f407vgt6 as device connected to PC(host), the reference manual says FS mode supports 12MHz speed and it's mentioned in the notes of CDC library (version ...

the IWDG_STOP bit in the FLASH_OPTR register

Posted on December 15, 2016 at 22:59I have a STM32L152 device which spends most of its time in STOP mode, waking perhaps once an hour. I'd like to add IWDG support, but need to 'freeze' the IWDG during STOP mode, which per STM docs can be done.I hav...

STM32F4 SPI DMA simple question

Posted on November 28, 2016 at 17:27Hi,I am a newbie developer on stm32 and iar.I have a simple question about spi DMA. I use a stm32f412 mcu as a SPI slave device,when the DMA controller on the stm32 mcu is starting to move data from tx buffer to s...

STM32L071RZ problems with flash erase

Posted on December 16, 2016 at 13:26Hello,I am trying to erase a flash page in Bank 2 of STM32L071RZ and it instead erases the 1st page of Bank 1( where interrupt vector table is stored). The code is fine as the same works very well when the page ad...

sai by Associate II
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Resolved! CubeMX shows incorrect I2S in Clock view

Posted on December 15, 2016 at 23:38Just wanted to mention a small bug in CubeMX 4.18.0. I am using STM32F446ZET. It has two I2S peripherals. When I configure I2S1 in the Pinout tab, the Clock tab shows the clocks wired for I2S2. And vice versa. The...