User Activity

Hello All,I was wondering whether the 'People counting' example (in FP-AI-VISION1's function pack of ST32H747-DISCO) can be re-trained for custom images. For example, I want to detect the position of an object (let's say a cat) in an image using the ...
Hello all,I have one query.Can we interface two cameras directly with an STM32 microcontroller (could be a H7 or F7 series) via DCMI lines or other interfaces? Is there any mechanism to share the common DCMI lines (similar to the SPI slaves) ?I have ...
Hello all,I have bought a which has LSM6DSOX, an IMU with Machine Learning Core. I am seeing some decision tree-based examples/implementation of LSM6DSOX.If I train a new model for my application, My query is how to load that model int...
Hello everyone,It's good to see a number of tutorials/implementations posted by community members which encourage beginners like me to implement AI at the microcontroller level.Is there any complete image classification example or tutorial where ST m...
I request to know whether any higher limit on the number of files that a FATFS drive can store.Using an STM32L476 Microcontroller, I'm saving an image file (300-400KB) in every 5 sec with an 8-letter filename, 'xxxxxxx.JPG' where x is a Hex Number. I...
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