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Forum Posts

DFSDM filter and aliasing

Hi,I see an alias, using DFSDM (sinc3) and a PDM mic at 16kHz, while a speaker produces 1...24kHz.The spectrogram is attached.As I understand, the DFSDM filter has a notch at 16kHz rather than at 8kHz, and attenuates 8kHz for 12dB only.Is it possible...

ERROR by Associate II
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Resolved! SPI communication between two controllers

I am trying to figure out SPI communication between two microcontrollers: I have an STM32H755 Nucleo and a Nucleo G47RE. I tested basic communication by shorting MOSI and MISO on both boards separately, and it works in full duplex master mode. Both c...

sarun_3-1718101043409.png sarun_2-1718100868669.png sarun_0-1718100703317.png sarun_1-1718100751506.png
sarun by Associate III
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Why I am getting FLASH->SR reset value is 0xC0

HiI am using STM32L476ZG MCU development board. I created a new project without adding any interrupts. I noticed that FLASH->SR = 0xC0 at reset and when I try to clear it, it comes back after the next command I execute.I'll add screen shots to clarif...

Flash_SR_1.PNG Flash_SR_2.PNG Flash_SR_3.PNG Flash_SR_4.PNG
Namir by Associate
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Resolved! stm32h503cbt isn't working with high frequency

I am using STM32H503CBT6 with a frequency of 250MHz, but my program is not running. I have a counter variable in a while loop, but it is not incrementing. When I lower the frequency to 100MHz, the program works. Please help me!

giangpa by Associate II
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Resolved! FDCAN on STM32G0

Hi, I am trying to communicate via FDCAN with a board equipped with a STM32G0 by using this library I already tested it successfully with both STM32H743 and STM32H723 but I am having troubles with the G0  When I ...

Angelo3 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32 MQTT

Hi, I'm using a STM32F407VGTx, trying to use MQTT on this microcontroller.I first made a test program on a NUCLEO dev kit (also a F4 controller) and it worked.Now I get an error and it doesn't want to connect to my PC which is the broker. I have trie...

WilliamVR by Associate III
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Resolved! stm32h743zit6 Ethernet Can't Ping

Hope all is going well. I'm trying to ping STM32H743ZI NUCLEO 144 using LWIP middle-ware. Code generated by CubeMX. Configurations: Set the HCLK to 400 MHzEnabled the CPU ICache and DCache (under Cortex_M7 Configuration)Enabled MPU (Region0, Region1 ...