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Hello,I am trying to use below file to enable RDP 2 on an STM32 L552 This has exit step "ExitStep21_Action" that set the DRP Level 1, However, I need to set RDP Level 2 by setting the value a...
I am using Segger JLINK for software downloading to below boards. After downloading software, there is need to enable RDL level 2. Kindly give support below platforms.STM32L562VET6STM32L552VET6STM32L552CCT6Edit: I am using SEGGER J-Flash for software...
Hi, For some reason I need to use the AES engine to generate hashing either as ghash or AES-CMAC digest. Any reference could you provide to use AES engine for MAC generation. Thanks,Gopi Krishnan
Hi,I need to implement things that are required to implement secure boot & secure software update STM32 H733 Microcontrollers. Trying to understand from the beginner perspective, though I have the Cube package downloaded from the st website, still li...
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