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Forum Posts

SPI pin states during bootloader detection phase

I have questions about SPI interfaces and the boot selection. I am not using SPI for the bootloader and I don't want it selected.Issue 1: AN2606 says that to prevent SPI from being selected, SPI_MOSI should be at a known state (high or low) at the st...

hwsw by Associate II
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UART transmission

Hi, I am implementing UART transmission using DMA. The output of the TX pin is hooked up to logic analyzer and shows that some data remains on the tx pins after the board being updated with new version of the code. The data shows even if I remove the...

476RG_3-1720538539999.png 476RG_1-1720538201748.png 476RG_2-1720538435251.png
476RG by Associate
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Resolved! How to read/write the file system of the flash

Hi, All    when I power on the U575 eval board, the file system of flash chip come out immediately on my computer as the attached  picture. My question is how to read/write the file system from MCU of U575 by firmware? Anyone has the experience or an...


Migration from STM32L to STM32H5

We have product running with STM32L162ZET6 successfully. Because of memory constraints on future developments , we wanted to use alternative part for it. During research, we found STM32H533ZET6 by Hardware engineer.After comparison, we found that arc...

Janardhan by Associate II
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Resolved! Ethernet Lwip Problem STM32H735

  /* add the network interface (IPv4/IPv6) with RTOS */ netif_add(&gnetif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, &ethernetif_init, &tcpip_input); while(1){ /* Registers the default network interface */ netif_set_default(&gnetif); if (netif_is_link...

Kuttay by Associate III
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