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Kit cables

Hello, got Nucleo F439 kit, amazed to see no cables in it.Wanted to check if the cable "USB Micro-B connector (CN1)" is same for "USB Micro-AB connector (CN13)" connected in reverse?Cause Im not able to identify cable "USB Micro-AB" to buy.

GauravK by Senior
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Resolved! stm32 CAN interrupt not triggering

Hello,I have waisted 2 days already on trying to figure out why interrupt is not being triggered when using CAN RX.I started new fresh project just to test the CAN and debug it so there is not much initialized here.So sending data via CAN works for m...

PPopo.1 by Senior
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ADC issue : Resister value returns the address.

Hi. I'm using Keil5.ADC encountered an error in my program(from function HAL_ADC_PollForConversion), so I tried debugging and found the following problems. As shown above, the register value in CFGR1 returns the address.In a typical program(Operating...

111.jpg 222.jpg
KenLee by Associate III
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HardFault_Handler after Reset handler during debug

Hi amazing community. I am developing a custom bootloader for stm32f429 .I have touched the linker file that i show here      ****************************************************************************** ** ** @file : LinkerScript.ld ** ** @a...

SGasp1_0-1715682291265.png SGasp1_1-1715682373324.png
SGasp.1 by Senior
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Generate a checksum

I need to generate a checksum of data from X address(FLASH) to Y address (FLASH). and write at last 4 bytes of FLASH memory in "xyz" section. When I say calculate checksum, I mean addition of all given data bytes from X address(FLASH) to Y address (F...

Jayant by Associate II
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Resolved! PDM microphone and filter options

I have compared my platforms using PDM microphones related to PDM to PCM and filtering:Platform 1:STM32H747 (Portenta H7), with SW PDM2PCM filter (and optional to add post-processing)Platform 2:STM32U5A5 with ADF filter (in MCU) or external PCMD3180 ...

PDM_MIC_comparison.png PDM_Filter_compare_animated.gif


In a contest, which is sponsered by ST, I get the NUCLEO-H503RB MB1814A, which seems like a testing product without mass production. Is it possible to get its block diagram of hardware? Why I ask this is that I may face the problem like its HSE is no...

sallen by Associate
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ADC Error : only returns '0X01AF'

I'm using stm32c011f4u6 and keil5. and I'm using 2 ADC channels by Polling. Every time I read an ADC channel, it only return '0X01AF'. This is the same for both channels,even if I remove one channel and read it again with only one channel used, the s...

KenLee by Associate III
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Update parameters with UART

Hello,Currently, I command the sensor with "SendScriptToDevice(Linear_Sweep);" function like that.  char const * Linear_Sweep= "e\n" "var c\n" "var p\n" "set_pgsta...

AE104 by Senior
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