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Forum Posts

Frequency Measurement with NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q

I'm trying to use the frequency measurement with NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q. As per suggested, the max allowed frequency of SYSCLK is 160 MHz which I use. I'm configuring TIM2 Channel 1 in direct input capture mode. I use 0 as the prescaler and the max value fo...

mebrahim by Associate II
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Do I leak enough current?

Hello,I need to know what the minimum required current is to drive a pin as input for the STM32G0-series. I've gone through the datasheet but cannot find anything concluding for me. Could someone tell me?The reason is that I use a power switch to mak...

GOjayson by Associate
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DMA Register Timer Input Capture STM32G431

Hi,I would like to measure the times and pulse lengths of an external signal from a GPIO. For this I wanted to use a DMA trigger (which writes the time points from the Tim to the memory).Here are 2 questions:1. where can I find a document that states...

pedahl by Associate II
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Resolved! How memory-mapped works on STM32L4?

Hello all,I am trying to implement an external loader for my board. Which uses a W25M02GV (QSPI NAND FLASH)I am following the am trying to configure an STM32L4 to use this memory in mapped-...

djunho by Associate II
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Resolved! HAL_Delay() stopped working

I have read most of the replies to posts that had the same problem that I am having with HAL_Delay() not working.  None of the solutions that I tried worked. It is apparent that the interrupt handler is never getting executed so any attempt to use HA...

Can DMA transfer directly to FMAC memory on STM32G4?

I want to use the FMAC to streamline weighted sum calculations using the FIR feature in non-circular mode. I have an array who's individual values are populated asynchronously via DMA and I use this array as the X1 buffer, but I missed that the buffe...

KHarb.1 by Senior II
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