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Is there any STM32 MCU which has ADC with range higher than 3.3V ?


I want to monitor my 4.2V battery and cant find any MCU which can convert such high voltage . It will be even better if it has differential ADC [can do 1.5-4.5].Previously tries STM32F303C8T6 but all the ADC pins are only 3.3V Tolerant. Its my first time posting so really don't know if i'm posting in the right page.

Lead III

No, but there are resistors, so you may make simple voltage divider... :)

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Generally no, you'd need to condition externally. Perhaps via a battery monitoring / charging IC?

I vaguely recollect one that can measure VBAT/2


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Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

@Soothertion wrote:

I want to monitor my 4.2V battery 

4.2V suggests lithium?

Note that terminal voltage is a rather poor indicator of state-of-charge for lithium batteries.

As @Tesla DeLorean suggested, a proper battery monitor chip would do better.

For just terminal voltage, as @gbm said, you can use a simple potential divider - but beware that will put a drain on the battery...