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Forum Posts

Resolved! FMC: Data integrity in SDRAM

Hi everyone,I am observing some data corruption in an external SDRAM connected to an STM32 F7 FMC peripheral and I am trying to understand what is happening and how to prevent it. Scenario:Configure the FMC to interface with a Winbond external SDRAM ...

BrMel10 by Associate II
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Resolved! Problem with IWDG and WWDG timeout

Hello ST Community and Support Team, I try to play with Independant Watchdog and Window Watchdog on a Nucleo U575ZI eval board.I was able to configure counters, window and even EWI interrupt perfectly thanks to STM32 HAL library watchdog related func...

Resolved! STM32H563 EDATA Size - Code Generation Issue

Hello,I am using the Cube Code Generator, within the STM32CubeIDE (version 1.13.1) for an STM32H563, and have configured the Flash Data Sectors to use the maximum 8 sectors per bank for EDATA. The valid range for the EDATA sector size is 0 - 7, as sh...


Resolved! I need product recomendation using LIN protocol

  Hello. i'm trying to controll actuator by lin protocol. Which mcu is fit for me? and what i have to perchase more things? (for example, lin transceiver is need nor not, 1 more mcu for master-slave configuration) and which software i can use for it?...

Resolved! MAX31856 SPI Communication problem

Trying to communicate MAX31856 With STM32F401STM32CUBEIDE 1.15.1ADAFRUIT MAX31856 Breakout Board uint8_t data[2]; uint8_t addr_data[2]={0x04,0x00}; while (1) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_4, GPIO_PIN_RESET); HAL_Delay(10); ...

Screenshot (18).png
Caan by Associate III
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Resolved! Inquiry about the- DCMI of STM32U5 Series MCUs.

Good Afternoon Sir/Mam, Sir/Mam, I have a query about the DCMI of STM32U5 Series MCUs. I have read the Datasheet of following MCUs-1)  STM32U5A5VJT6Q2)  STM32U595VJT63)  STM32U595ZJT6Q4)  STM32U5A5AJH65)  STM32U5A5QJI6Q6)  STM32U5A9NJH6Q7)  STM32U5A9...

Ankur_1 by Associate II
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