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PH3/BOOT0 pin on the STM32L432KC

May I know where is the PH3/BOOT0 pin on the STM32L432KC board? I don't see any GPIO pin for that. It is connected to the F103 chip onboard but how do I use that?

Abijith by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32U575/585 MSIS calibrated by LSE question

If the LSE 32.768KHz crystal is disturbed after the system starts with MSIS auto calibration, and the MSIS clock is used by the PLL for the SYSCLK, the frequency of SYSCLK loses its 0.25% accuracy and starts to drift.Is there any register or interrup...

JoshA by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H730 outside of program code

Hello!I'm porting a working code from H750VB to H730VB, generating a new HAL core from STM32CubeMX, but right after entering on "SystemClock_Config" function at debug mode, I've got the message "Break at address 0x46bd3718 with no debug information a...

Peaga by Senior
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Resolved! STm32CubeMX bug: CAN2 wrong configuration

Posted on June 26, 2014 at 16:31 Hi, I tried to configure my STm32F207 using the ''Cube'' to use the CAN2 and I found a bug. This is the initialization code generated by the ''Cube'': void HAL_CAN_MspInit(CAN_HandleTypeDef* ...

Resolved! Same project, two different ioc files

I have a working project with its .ioc file.Now I need to port the project codebase to another project that uses exactly the same processor, but with different pinout: the peripherals in the project will be the same, mapped on some other pins.I need ...

Resolved! Cannot uncheck "save power of non-active UCPD" in ioc

Hey All, I cannot seem to uncheck the option "save power of non-active UCPD - deactive Dead Battery pull-up" Everytime I generate code I have to manually comment out (disable) (HAL_SYSCFG_StrobeDBattpinsConfig(SYSCFG_CFGR1_UCPD1_STROBE | SYSCFG_CFGR1...

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STMG0 Multichannel ADC CubeIDE configuration issue

Hi,I'm not able to set the STM32G030C6 ADC1 for 9 + Internal Temperature Sensor channels. Here's my ADC1 Mode and Configuration parameters I'm using this recently updated Software Package VersionSTM32CubeG0 Firmware Package V1.6.2Does anyone know wha...

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Gaston by Senior
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