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Nucleo STMH745ZI-Q USB OTG HS Host won`t work

I am trying to enable USB host work. I added  HAL_PWREx_EnableUSBVoltageDetector(); into void MX_USB_HOST_Init(void). and followed git examples for H7. But could not make it work(( now green VBUS led is highBut my device is not connected. When I turn...


Resolved! UCPD sink on STM32G4

Is it possible to implement UCPD sink on a stm32G4 without RTOS. What all does that entail? What are the pros and cons?

RMas by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H73x: HSE / LSE oscillator levels with passive crystals

Heyho,there's lots of info in the datasheets and the AN2867 about the specs of the HSE / LSE oscillators with passive crystals...But I'd like to have some "measurable" *** specs, so that I can compare a real life custom board, which means:voltage lev...

LCE by Principal II
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Resolved! USB Issue when porting from STM32F072 to STM32L072

Hi all,I'm porting a project from a F072 (Nulceo-F072) to a custom PCB with a STM32L072.The board is going well, except when I try to use the USB (CDC mode).When I plug it into my PC, the OS can see it -         Bus 006 Device 072: ID 0483:5740 STMic...

PGump.1 by Senior III
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STM32H7 ADC faster than expected

Hello,Using a STM32H743ZI - rev. V.I'm using ADC3 to convert 4 channels in regular conversion mode, with a 2.5Tcy sampling time, 10 bits, sync clock /2.The measured conversion time is quicker than expected so I'm suspecting something wrong...CPU cloc...

tarzan2 by Associate III
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Clock Configuration, Timer and LED

I am still new to STM and I am trying to perform a task on timer, I have written my code to configure the clock the my desired frequency and also I have written the code to set up my timer but when I downloaded the code to my board (stm32g070rb), my ...

027iconic by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 code execution time question

Hello All,I needed a very fast vector addition routine for the H7 so I wrote it in assembly. However, I discovered that very small changes in the code caused huge differences in execution time. Both of the following functions add a 16-bit vector to a...

DWWelch by Associate III
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