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STM32F10x interrupt example question

Posted on September 04, 2017 at 05:42HI.Currently I'm trying to understand about STM32F10x's interrupt.So I've got some snippet code as the below,USART1's IRQ number is 37.// interrupt example snippet code //unsigned int vector_table_start_addr = *(...


STM32F0 cortex jump to application

Posted on August 31, 2017 at 16:29Hello to all, I need to write the bootloader for a cortex M0. Could someone explain to me what I have to do. What are the code that I have to write and how I have to modify the linker and the sturtup .s file? In the...

Giu S by Associate II
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Is internal SRAM bufferable or not?

Posted on September 04, 2017 at 09:44Hi.I have enabled MPU for different regions with different attrubutes (mainly read only, execute never and no access attributes). For peripherals region I enabled also bufferable attribute (MPU overrides global w...

matic by Associate III
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Problem with FMC_NOR Sample Program.

Posted on September 04, 2017 at 07:45I am working on STM32F756-EVAL2 Board, and wanted to use NOR Flash Memory to Store some configuration data. But i am facing some problem. I am not able to write any thing into NOR memory.(But able to perform read...

STM32L4 Standby Pulldowns on PA15

Posted on September 04, 2017 at 02:20Hi Guys,I am running a STM32L452 on a custom board using the STM32Cube HAL. I am putting the uC into standby mode and am configuring some of the pins to pull up/down using the functions in the stm32l4xx_hal_pwr_e...

How to create a CMSIS project for DiscoveryF407VG board?

Posted on September 03, 2017 at 19:09I have downloaded Keil 5.24a, and Arm cortex-M legacy support, when I want to create a new project, in micro selection step, in Software Packs there is no STM32F407VG micro, but there is STM32F407VGTx micro inste...

m m by Associate II
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