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Hallo all.I'm facing a strange problem, after upgrading STM32CubeIde to version 1.6.0I've set the clock configuration to deliver to ADC a 64MHz clock.In this situation is not possible to set the ADC clock prescaler to "Asynchronous clock mode divided...
Hallo. In other mcu (not ARM) i’ve worked in the past, there were possibe to move some parts of time critical code to ram, and run them from there to get the best performance, since the flash mamory access were slower then the ram access. In STM32 mc...
In a particular time critical application, I'd like to use the LL driver only, FreeRtos and, to preserve an hw resouce, I've selected "none" in SystemCore->Sys->TimeBaseSource. Trying to compile the project generated in this way, I get "fatal error: ...
I've created a project in the STM32CubeIDE environment, using the STM32CubeMX integrated configurator (STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.0.2, STM32CubeMX Version: 5.3.0).I have added in project configuration a prebuild step that calls bat file that collect som...
Hello all.I'm using BOOT0-PB9 pin on a STM32L011. In the reference manual I've found that "The pin logic level can then be read as an input value on the shared GPIO pin.", but nothing about internal pull resistor.The question is: is this pin provided...