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Forum Posts

STM32F100RCT6TR TIM12 issues

Posted on January 06, 2016 at 18:39Hi!I am trying to control two motors using an STM32F100RCT6TR microcontroller and the standard peripheral library version 3.5.0. I want to use TIM3 channel 1&2 and TIM12 channel 1&2. TIM3 works perfectly but I get ...

Stm32f303 CDC problem

Posted on February 04, 2018 at 17:36Hello friends. I use STM32F303 discovery, and trying write code for usb cdc virtual com port, low level, registers only. 3 endpoints, 1st interrupt IN, 2nd bulk IN, 3th bulk OUT. I make it work, but have a problem...

Segger J link Debugging problem

Posted on February 04, 2018 at 16:05Hello,         I am using segger j link debugger if i download the Ac6 STM32 MCU GCC tool chain created project(current builder:Gnu Make builder) then code runs in debug mode,but if i download gitHub project then ...


Power Down Threshold in STM32L4

Posted on February 04, 2018 at 14:59Hi,I am using STM32L486 in my project.I have a question about the power-down threshold.What is the power down Threshold?The threshold that determin if it was BOR or power down reset.In power down reset the backup ...

Resolved! STM32 GPIOS mode.

Posted on February 03, 2018 at 18:07In STM32 there are two modes to configure GPIOS, input and output.In input mode we have,  Analog modeFloating InputInput with pull-up/pull-downIn output mode, General purpose output push-pullGeneral purpose outp...

Problem to set ADC Channell

Posted on February 03, 2018 at 16:11Hi all,i'm working with a STM32L053 processor and I'm having some trouble managing the ADC.My ADC is setup to work in discontinuous mode, so i set the channel to convert by using the following function:void system...