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Forum Posts

BKP0R clear after a Tamper event

Posted on May 08, 2018 at 17:13Hi,i'm working with stm32f415RG and i have a strange behaviuor with RTC.I configured RTC with LSEAlarm A Internal AlarmAlarm B Internal AlarmWakeUp : internal wakeupTamper1 Routed to AF1TimeStamp on Tamper detection ev...

Marco1 by Associate II
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Measure VDD stm32f4

Posted on August 07, 2017 at 21:57Hello Its not clear for me if is it possible to measure Vdd in stm32f407.I read the manual but still not clear how to perform that.I would be thankful if you show me an example if that possible.Thanks

Strange problem with I2C and timers

Posted on May 04, 2018 at 09:05Hi, I have a board with STM32F030K6 and an sensor wired on I2C. When using the sensor in polling mode (no interrupts) everything is working fine and i am able to read data and send it trough UART.Problem starts when I ...

STM32Cube USB CDC Unknown USB Device

Posted on January 24, 2018 at 09:37im lost! im trying to create usb cdc in STM32F405RGthe only thing im doing is to configure usb_fs as device and the usb class as a communication device class than i generate a code in STM32CUBEMx when using STM32L4...

Ita Dab by Associate
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UART on CubeMX is too slow

Posted on May 08, 2018 at 02:15Hi,I am fairly new to stm32 boards and used the cubeMX program to speed up development for a project I am working on. However, I have found that when sending messages with UART it takes 50ms for each transmit. That see...

USB waveform abnormality

Posted on May 08, 2018 at 05:34Noise was applied to the board equipped with the STM32F302RC6, and the 0 potential level of USB_D + was raised. The applied point is not a USB terminal, and the USB cable is not connected yet. (The connection destinati...

INPUT CAPTURE for timer 3 and timer 13

Posted on May 07, 2018 at 20:54Hello, I have one input channel for timer. I notice PA6 either for TIM3-CH1 or TIM13-CH1. So it is possible to map pin for both of timers (3 and 13).  if I can do it, how to set them?Regards,

Resolved! ST Link does not work anymore!!!

Posted on May 07, 2018 at 20:19Hi.I was just programming my stm32f217 board via serial wire interface and everything was ok, but when I wanted to program once more the message ''No target connected''displayed and it didn't program my MCU anymore.But...
