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Forum Posts

Regarding peripheral variants...

Posted on June 08, 2018 at 10:48I have a question about a feature of STM32s which slightly puzzles me. Each peripheral class (e.g. SPI) may have several instances on a given processor (e.g. SPI1, SPI2, ...). Different processors in the family have d...

Resolved! STM32f407 as SPI slave[HAL]

Posted on May 28, 2018 at 09:05 Im trying to catch data from the unknown device, this device has data and clock. I decided to make my stm32 as spi slave and catch the data as recevier.And im struggling with it. I have this data flow which i want to...

0690X00000602W8QAI.bmp 0690X00000602WDQAY.bmp 0690X00000602WIQAY.bmp

Setting up an external interrupt

Posted on June 06, 2018 at 13:42Hi!I found setting up an external interrupt in an STM32F103 to be a little bit hard. What is the sequence of to do's? I can find information fragments about the EXTI and NVIC, scattered through the reference manual an...

stm32f4 adc max sample rate

Posted on June 08, 2018 at 11:20Hi,I have a problem to achieve max. sampling rate of 2.4 MSPS(12 Bit) @168 Mhz Clock, AHB2 Bus is running at  84 MHz and ADC Clock = 42 MHz.Any idea why I get just sampling rate of  1.4 MSPS and not maximum sampling r...

STM32L151C8T6 RTC wakeup not counting

Posted on June 08, 2018 at 15:25Hello,I try to have a periodic wakeup of my chip.I read the RTC documentation, and I tried to setup the RTC periodic wakeup unit.I managed to get a periodic interruption but I don't understand why the counter is not c...

HAL I2C Slave Sequential Receive pulling SDA pulled low

Posted on June 08, 2018 at 15:04 Hi, I've got a weird problem with I'd like some advice on. I've configured an STM32F334 as a I2C Slave, and am using Sequential IT driven operation with variable length packets (e.g. first byte received is length ...

sasha by Associate III
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Posted on June 07, 2018 at 21:58Hi,i am beginner in stm32I configured SWCLK AND SWDIO for Serial Debugging.Can I Change SWCLK and SWDIO as input and output at runtime?If Change the MCU is RESET or Not?

The problem of STiD135 ts

Posted on June 08, 2018 at 13:26hi, I am a beginner of stid135, I had a problem when I tried to configure stid135 to output TS. I used PRBS11 as the data source of a dvb modem to modulate a dvb-s signal, then to use development board STiD135 NIM_B22...