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Hi,I have a project with VL6180X sensor. Moving from first prototype to second revision, I have realized that I have no use for AWS sensor. Therefore I can switch the sensor to the non-AWS having, also cheaper VL6180V. Datasheets of these sensors are...
Posted on June 28, 2018 at 20:48Hi,so I am using STM32F769xxx MCU with TI's CAN transreceiver (, see 232 version, the one without low power modes). I have 2 problems that may have something to do with e...
Posted on June 18, 2018 at 21:22Hi,So I have an issue with DSI tearing. Heres some background. I am using external SDRAM to hold framebuffers. I use double buffer method. Area is rather small at 180*400(*3). Back frame holds simple running number ge...
Posted on May 19, 2018 at 16:21So, I am using STM32F769xxx to run MIPI-DSI display. On the display's datasheet there are power on and off sequences. I am able to get display on and off (so commands are at least somewhat OK), but colors and data on l...
Posted on February 26, 2018 at 18:10 Hi, I was doing my thing, writting and debugging code with System Workbench and after a while ST-Link refused to work anymore, out of the blue. I had not changed SWD pins nor related settings. It just stopped ...