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Hi,i am using stm32f103 spi read writei have application ic connected to this MCUis it possible to use write on rising egde and read on falling edge for spi communication?currently i am doing both on rising edgeso, write now my write is ok but while ...
hi I want to transfer 256 bytes from host to stm32 device over Custom HID interfaceFollowing is the report desc in my stm32,/** Usb HID report descriptor. */__ALIGN_BEGIN static uint8_t CUSTOM_HID_ReportDesc_FS[USBD_CUSTOM_HID_REPORT_DESC_SIZE] __ALI...
hi ,I want to generate PWM Output on PIN PB15 of STM32F103This PIN has a default alternate function -> TIM1_CH3N for PWM outputUnable to get it Working.I have give the code belowCan anyone let me know what is missing??Thanks-Adityamain.c/** * @brief ...
Can we avoid the ADC and DMA transfer interrupts and check a status of DMA transfer done for new values converted by ADC with multiple channels?My MCU is : STM32L1
Hi,i am trying to use I2C1 as a slave with interruptBut after initializing the I2Ci am calling the following to set it to slave and receiver over interrupt   if(HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_IT(&I2cHandle, (uint8_t*)&bTransferRequest, 1)!= HAL_OK){   Error_H...
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