2018-06-20 9:58 PM
Another issue found, potentially in HAL drivers (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig):
I try to use PLL3R for I2C clock:
PeriphClkInitStruct.I2c123ClockSelection = RCC_I2C123CLKSOURCE_PLL3; //USB will FAIL!!!
If I do this - my
USB is dead
(using also PLL3, PLL3Q):PeriphClkInitStruct.UsbClockSelection = RCC_USBCLKSOURCE_PLL3;
It works just with:
PeriphClkInitStruct.I2c123ClockSelection = RCC_I2C123CLKSOURCE_D2PCLK1;
it looks like a bug in HAL driver functions:
if a PLL output is used as clock source, even they have 3 clock outputs for peripherals (P, Q, R):
==> JUST
PLL clock output can be used for peripherals!or: if more then one 'or-ed' macros for same PLL are not zero - just one config seems to win (or they kill each other).So, you CANNOT use a PLL with
clock output for peripheral clocks!(similar to the same issue with SDMMC1: it cannot use PLL2 - if PLL2 is already used for SPI clocks, the HAL driver code (or chip ?) seems to make it exclusive to 'just one PLL clock output is usable').
2018-06-21 7:54 AM
So if you program the RCC registers and avoid the Cube/HAL contraptions, does it work as expected?
2018-06-21 9:31 AM
,I confirm that there is an issue with RCC driver in the STM32CubeH7 package.
It is a similar issue to the one you have already reported in
.A patch is provided in
.Could you please apply it at your end, waiting for the official fix in the next STM32CubeH7 version?
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2018-06-21 1:26 PM
Thank you, Amel, I appreciate.
I found and will take the errata. Great.
Many regards, Torsten
2018-07-26 5:53 AM
Fix deployed in STM32CubeH7 v1.3.0 currently available on the web.
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