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// InitialisationTIM1->PSC = (FOSC/(PWM_FREQ * PWM_STEPS)) - 1;    // Timer clock TIM1->ARR = PWM_STEPS - 1;                        // Auto reload TIM1->BDTR = 0;                                    // SafetyTIM1->CCER = 0;TIM1->CR2 = 0;TIM1->CCMR1 = ...
I want to use DMA to move data from memory to DAC1 channel 1 and channel 2. Channel 1 uses DMA Channel 5 and that works. CubeMX configured DAC1 Channel 2 for DMA1 Channel 6. The datasheet says STM32G431 is a category 2 device which has only channel 0...
Is there any DSP library for STM32G431? I would need a 1024 point FFT.
I have a problem on a STM32F071C board. The PLL will not reach ready state. I am using the HSI and in order to reduce current consumption I want to devide PLL from 8MHz down to 2MHz. This works fine on most board (18 out of 20) but on some the PLL_RD...
Posted on June 21, 2018 at 11:37The original post was too long to process during our migration. Please click on the attachment to read the original post.
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