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Forum Posts

Stm32 input capture timer

Hi guys, Does anyone know if there is any existing example to configure low lever(without using the abstraction layer) an input capture with a timer using a STM32F3 board? If so where could I find it?Thank you very much !!

How to continuously store data into SD card?

I have SD card interfaced with stm32f407 through 4bit SDIO. I am writing data from I2S _DMA_receive buffer into the sd card. This write should happen continuously,but it happens only once.Here is the piece of the code:FATFS myFATAFS;FATFS *myFATAFS1;...

UART DMA TX complete callback issue

Hello, In the uart driver code of STM32 CUBE layer i found this, static void UART_DMATransmitCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma){ UART_HandleTypeDef* huart = ( UART_HandleTypeDef* )((DMA_HandleTypeDef* )hdma)->Parent; /* DMA Normal mode*/ if((hdma->Instanc...

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I2C Fast Mode 400KHz

Posted on July 11, 2011 at 21:13I'd like to use a Connectivity Line STM32's (STM32F107) I2C peripheral in the 400Khz fast mode. I'm using a Olimex STM32-H107, which has a 25MHz external crystal. I am confused by what the reference manual says (RM000...