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Forum Posts

Fast switching of ADC configuration on STM32

I am using a Nucleo-32 board to sample 2 ADC channels. I am using the Cube MX and Cube L4 libraries. I am sampling CH1 for a fixed number of samples using DMA. I am using the callback HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback to change the ADC configuration to sample...

Flash programming error

Hello,​I am verifying my flash write program.The first writing is ok, but the error occurred from the second writing.The following is my flash write cmd_flash_write(void) { uint32_t s_addr; uint32_t data[512]; uint32_t len, i, status;...

AKim.15 by Associate II
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What is the WDG_LS_D1 in STM32H7 MCUs?

In the previous ST products (mostly the STM32F and L series) I was able to disable the IWDG when code went into debug.Unfortunately, in the H7 I can see the introduction of new mechanism controlled by bit WDGLSD1 in DBGMCU_APB4FZ1 register. On the bl...

Resolved! Where is the default SW(GUI)/FW?

HelloI am reviewing the basic released SW of F769I-Disco/F411E-Disco in kit board.but i can not find it, Where is the default SW(GUI)/FW? Please feedback for released FW oflocation .

MYu S by Associate II
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Entry symbole Reset_Handler not found

Hi,I am using CMake to compile STM32L496 project. TrueSTUDIO compile fine without issue but CMake. I am very sure I do have the startup_stm32l496xx.s compiled. cannot find entry symbol Reset_Handler; defaulting to 08000000Anyone know what might be wr...

embedded world 2018 sample boards

Posted on March 27, 2018 at 16:52Hi, at the embedded world 2018 particapants could register for a free sample (most/really interesting options not chooseable when i was there). I did that and later got a amazon voucher code via mailto:stmicroelectro...

_richard by Associate III
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Migration from STM32F479BI to STM32F779BI tips

Hi,we´re new to ST Cortex-M and consider using the STM32F479BI in our next projects. We would also like to plan for a future migration to M7. The STM32F479BI and STM32F779BI LQFP208 pinouts seem to fit quite well. The firmware would have to be adapte...

IHC by Associate
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