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STM32F4xx HAL SPI 2Lines RxOnly Speed

I am reviewing the stm32f4xx_hal_spi.c to setup the SPI interface for Master mode DMA receive-only use. I notice the table showing that in this mode the maximum SPI frequency is Fpclk/64. I haven't bench tested this yet but was curious why this is so...

3FTI by Associate II
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STM32F405 LL_InitTick seems to block SysTick.

in stm32f4xx_ll_utils.c__STATIC_INLINE void LL_InitTick(uint32_t HCLKFrequency, uint32_t Ticks){ /* Configure the SysTick to have interrupt in 1ms time base */ SysTick->LOAD = (uint32_t)((HCLKFrequency / Ticks) - 1UL); /* set reload register */ SysTi...

RSime.17 by Associate
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cannot read page 127 of flash memory stm32f103cb

hello evry body i have a prblm i can read page 31 : 0x0800 7C00 and write of flashbut adress 127 (page127) adress 0x0801 FC00i have a prblm it doesnt allow reading or writingeven my stm is stm 32f103cb medium flash is 128kb , i dont understand why it...

CAN Transmit timeout error

Posted on March 27, 2017 at 18:54Hi everyone, I�m using a STM32F103 with SW4STM32 and CubeMX and I`m struggeling with the CAN Communication. When I`ll try to transmit Data with HAL_CAN_Transmit then I get a timeout error. Like I read here in other t...

NVIC_SystemReset() hangs

Hi there,I've been working with a BT module and trying to use one of its pins to set the boot mode of the STM32F746IGT. I've set the pin HIGH and then issue the NVIC_SystemReset(), but nothing happens after that. I have a blue LED that is suppost to ...

1000 mbps ethernet PHY transceiver

Hi,Hope someone can help me. I try to construct a STM32H753 based control module that will communicate with other modules in the network through a 1000 mbps ethernet port, that is a system requirement. How can I connect STM32H753 with the 1000 mbps P...

BLi.0 by Associate
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ADC trigger conversion with timer

Hi,I have some trouble in implementing the trigger conversion for an ADC with a timer on an STM32F410CBU6 microcontroller. I'm using the HAL libraries and configured everything in CubeMX, but I never can trigger any measurement with my ADC.I have thr...

HL?�t by Associate II
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