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Forum Posts

STM32L496 VDDIO2 / GPIOG pins

1. Do I need to provide power from different regulator for VDDIO2 pins or if I use the same level (3.3V) can I use VDD? I simply need lots of GPIO pins.2. LL_PWR_EnableVddIO2 has no effect in my case. IsEnabledVddIO2 always returns 0. I did wait for ...

How to enter shutdown mode?

I use STM32F091RB MCU.If I want to make MCU shutdown, how to enter shutdown mode?Is there any HAL API or something else?Thanks

cyt by Associate II
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STM32F042: External clock and clock output

As described before ( I want to use 2 STM32F042 as CAN controller. So far I planned to use the internal HSI RC oscillator, but a +-5% tolerance seems critical for ...

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harald by Associate III
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Issue with PA2 and PA12 pin in L432KC Nucleo

I'm using a reflective sensor to measure speed. In my PCB, I wrongly connected PA12 to the output of the sensor. I actually needed PA2 to use it as TIM2_CH3. So I jumped PA12 and PA2. This pin is pulled up to 3.3V with a 10K resistor. With no sensor ...

xpp07 by Senior
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How to use PA15 on STM32F302RD?

Hey,I can't access PA15 with the STM32F302RD µC. It's obv used for JTDI but it's possible to change this mode (if I can trust the reference manuel). With the "flexible SWJ-DP pin assignment" I have to change the mode to "JTAG-DP Disabled and SW-DP En...

External (Timer) trigger for regular ADC channel

Hi everyone!So as the title suggest I would like to get some help for my STM32F303 Microcontroller.In the application Timer1 is used to turn an external pin ON and OFF at a constant frequency, while ADC4 is used to read some feedback with the same fr...

SzIsti by Associate II
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problem with dfuse

Posted on August 12, 2011 at 10:20Hi,    I am currently developing a PC application for STM32 using Inemo board.The PC application will be able to upgrade the firmware of the STM32 using Dfu mode. Iam using Visual studio for the PC side appli...

Resolved! What is the reset value of GPIOx_MODER?

According to RM0433 rev 5 section 10.4.1, the reset values are 0xABFFFFFF for port A, 0xFFFFFEBF for port B, and 0xFFFFFFFF for all the others. This appears to agree with the bits shown in the register table at the end of the chapter. However, in the...

CHead by Associate III
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