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fsmc timing problem hello my lcd need the ne1 pin in stm32 to be >= 500ns but i see i oscilloscope it's 124ns . i need to make it >= 500ns for my lcd cs pin i want to make NE1 high pulse width more than 500ns here is my timing code hsram1.Instanc...
stm32cubemx i want common shared driver folder to all my project
when call function GUI_Init(); my mcu stm32f103vct6 frezz and stopwhy ??
Posted on April 05, 2017 at 10:28i use adc in dual mode fast interleaved with stm32f103 when i use adc with continuous conversion modeif i set adc to 14mhz i get 1msps and this goodbut when i use timer3 trigger out the maximum speed i can get is abo...
Posted on March 27, 2017 at 23:37i want use timer1 with external trigger to enable the counter.but when stm32cubemx  generate code the mcu crash and stop working and debug stopand after long time i found the problem in this line  __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_TI...
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