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UART DMA TX complete callback issue

Hello, In the uart driver code of STM32 CUBE layer i found this, static void UART_DMATransmitCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma){ UART_HandleTypeDef* huart = ( UART_HandleTypeDef* )((DMA_HandleTypeDef* )hdma)->Parent; /* DMA Normal mode*/ if((hdma->Instanc...

RN by Senior
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I2C Fast Mode 400KHz

Posted on July 11, 2011 at 21:13I'd like to use a Connectivity Line STM32's (STM32F107) I2C peripheral in the 400Khz fast mode. I'm using a Olimex STM32-H107, which has a 25MHz external crystal. I am confused by what the reference manual says (RM000...

STM32L432 Power Problem with NRF24L01 and USART

I made NRF24L01 module using STM32L432. I supplied 3.3V to MCU and NRF24L01. So, I checked USART communication from STM32L432 to PC. But I failed checking SPI to NRF24L01.Below, Problems I have, If I supply 3.3V to MCU(Actually whole module), GPIO Ou...


STM32F407 timer question?

Hi,I am trying to use either TIM13 or TIM14 but the ISR never get trigger.My questions areWhy the ISR routine never trigger? Is there anything else need be set?how to control the timer? what's the prescaler, period mean? If I want setup the timer tri...

Peak value on ADC ?

Dear Member,I want to get a peak value from ADC,How can I get it on the code ?Loop and array ?Any references ?Kind regards,A

SysTick_Handler called at 3ms interval instead of 1ms

Platform: STM32F429 Discovery KitI have created a simple project using Keil, to toggle GPIOs. The self generated code sets the clock at 168MHz. When I look at the timing for the SysTick_Handler call, it is 3ms instead of the 1ms that I expected. Why...

JAcos by Associate II
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STM32L011F4 power consumption

Hi team,i need your help, i use STM32L011F4 controller ,This controller consuming 2mA current in sleep mode, as per datasheet it consumes only a less than 0.5mA current in sleep mode, i can use only a I2C and RTC peripheral with 16MHz frequency.......