I have a STM32f042k6 Nucleo board on wich I am trying to setup the CAN Bus without success. I am using the HAL_Libraries. My programm halts at HAL_CAN_Init(&hcan); static void MX_CAN_Init(void){ hcan.Instance = CAN; hcan.Init.Prescaler = 8; hcan.Init...
Hi good people. I would love to try a display connected to my stm32F411RE. But I cant find any product. Do you know any? thx a lot. Greetings. Jan
I am trying to run the S2-lp SDK example project on truestudio but I am running in so many errors. one of them is that the yfuns.h file is not even the directories.
Dear All,Currently we're using STM32F030CC micro controller to make a programmer which will program STM32F030CC serially via UART Bootloader commands.First we verified / noted the response of every command by sending each command via serial monitor.T...
Hi, I need to interface STM32F7 with a Bluetooth chipset that supports HCI interface over UART/USB. I would like to know if STM32CubeMX provides such a library or is there any other library available that can be used ? Any direction in this regard ...
Does anyone know when stm32H743zi and Nucleo-h473zi will be aviable on os.arm.Mbed platform?
I've modified the AT-command example from the X-CUBE-SFOX package to add another serial interface as a command link.Now you can enter AT-commands via LPUART1 connected to terminal program on PC or send them from another CPU via USART1 and forward the...
Please tell me how to disable the DFU USB in application code.