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Hello All,I have an intresting issue that came up. But I am not sure if I understand it. In the clock configurator, I gave the usart mux a 100Mhz clock for the uarts and set up the baud rate for 115200K. Once I started sending data, I noticed that...
We have developed our control system around CAN bus 2.0, but we are trying to move up to the H7, and it only has CAN FD. The question is, can CAN bus FD be configured for operating like CAN bus 2.0?
Hello All,I am using an STM32f767ZI device. I wrote a c++ program that has a base io class in which a gpio peripheral class inherits from the base io class. I call HAL_GPIO_TogglePin, HAL_GPIO_Init and HAL_GPIO_WritePin in the gpio class methods a...
I am going crazy! I am working with an STM32f745 and I am having SWD connection issues. I have a STlink 2-1 jumpered using the header connection from it over to my board Now, a interesting thing is happening when I probe the SWDCLK and SWIDIO li...
Please excuse my question as I am sure it has been asked before. I am a bit new to ST microelectronics. I am suing the nucleo-f767. I noticed that on my windows device manager there is STMicroelectronics STLink Virtual COM Port. I would like to u...