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Forum Posts

STM32L496 VDDIO2 / GPIOG pins

1. Do I need to provide power from different regulator for VDDIO2 pins or if I use the same level (3.3V) can I use VDD? I simply need lots of GPIO pins.2. LL_PWR_EnableVddIO2 has no effect in my case. IsEnabledVddIO2 always returns 0. I did wait for ...

How to enter shutdown mode?

I use STM32F091RB MCU.If I want to make MCU shutdown, how to enter shutdown mode?Is there any HAL API or something else?Thanks

cyt by Associate II
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STM32F042: External clock and clock output

As described before ( I want to use 2 STM32F042 as CAN controller. So far I planned to use the internal HSI RC oscillator, but a +-5% tolerance seems critical for ...

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harald by Associate III
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Issue with PA2 and PA12 pin in L432KC Nucleo

I'm using a reflective sensor to measure speed. In my PCB, I wrongly connected PA12 to the output of the sensor. I actually needed PA2 to use it as TIM2_CH3. So I jumped PA12 and PA2. This pin is pulled up to 3.3V with a 10K resistor. With no sensor ...

xpp07 by Senior
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How to use PA15 on STM32F302RD?

Hey,I can't access PA15 with the STM32F302RD µC. It's obv used for JTDI but it's possible to change this mode (if I can trust the reference manuel). With the "flexible SWJ-DP pin assignment" I have to change the mode to "JTAG-DP Disabled and SW-DP En...

External (Timer) trigger for regular ADC channel

Hi everyone!So as the title suggest I would like to get some help for my STM32F303 Microcontroller.In the application Timer1 is used to turn an external pin ON and OFF at a constant frequency, while ADC4 is used to read some feedback with the same fr...

SzIsti by Associate II
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problem with dfuse

Posted on August 12, 2011 at 10:20Hi,    I am currently developing a PC application for STM32 using Inemo board.The PC application will be able to upgrade the firmware of the STM32 using Dfu mode. Iam using Visual studio for the PC side appli...