I use STM32CubeMX and IAR Embedded workbench. I find to test IAR example projets, but i get this error: Fatal error: Cannot connect to J-Link via USB. Session aborted!
Hello!I have a question regarding pwm and the break input function from the comparator. I am using a STM32F303 and generating a complementary pwm outpout with timer20 on ch1 and nch1 with a deadtime. This is working just fine. Now I wanted to implem...
#include "stm32f4xx.h" #include "main.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" void My_Usart2_Printf(char *string){ while(*string){ USART_SendData(USART2, (unsigned short int) *string++); ...
i made project using Truestudio IDE with CUBEMX.and I send the project folder to another computer that other colleague useit that computer, there is error . so i cannot use that project filesis there anything i have to do whenever copy the project f...
Hi:Let me ask you a question. When use 32 bits of SDRAM in STM469 official routines, DMA is configured as follows: /* Configure common DMA parameters */ dma_handle.Init.Channel = SDRAM_DMAx_CHANNEL; dma_handle.Init.Direction ...
Dear ST,I have the following issues.I used ADC1 with DMA2_Stream0, ADC3 with DMA2_Stream4.If I don't enable cache, it works properly.Once I enable ICache and DCache, ADC readings are not correct.Please advise me how to make it work.Thanks.Regards,Thi...
I am trying to interface 24LC256 EEPROM to my STM32F030R8T6 discovery board using I2C protocol. I am analyzing SCL and SDA pins using DSO. I can achieve a start operation and place device id on the line. I need to transfer two 8bit data successively....