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Posted on January 08, 2016 at 17:15IDE environment: KEIL v5.14 + CubeMX v4.12 + CubeF0 v1.4Chip type:F030C8T6Debugger:ST-LINK VIIWhen I use SPI in polling mode, i found a weird thing. I have never met this before when I were using F1xx series chips....
Posted on November 01, 2015 at 05:43No.1In the latest version of RM0360,Page 634,there is a mistake in the description of RTOF. RTOIE is not in CR2,it is in CR1 actually.No.2Chip type: F030C8T6Develop environment:KEIL v4.72 + CubeMX v4.11 + CubeF0 v...
Posted on October 29, 2015 at 11:54In the last version of RM0360,page 722, there is no description about the unique ID. But following the instruction of RM0091 I have read the 96bits ID out in some of my F030C8T6s .These numbers from several chips a...
Posted on October 16, 2015 at 14:15When using Cube MX to generate initial code for general timer,the initial code does not set TIMx_CR1 register CEN bit and TIMx_DIER register UIE bit.So it is unable to go into timer overflow interrupt.