User Activity

Hello,I just had a look at the lcd module of the bsp for the stm32f746g disco board. It seems to support ARGB8888 and RGB565 pixel formats for framebuffer. Color code for draw actions is always rgb8888. When drawing a line and framebuffer has rgb565 ...
Hello,just a simple question. We share some data between ISR and application on STM32F746 processor (no RTOS used). How can we disable interrupts globally while application accesses the shared variables? Afterwards interrupts should be enabled again....
We use STM32F746 discovery board and run stm32f7 as spi slave with nss as sync signal between each byte. The master drives nss, clk and mosi pins. Clock is 250khz and processing is done in interrupt. Every 100ms 1 byte is transferred. Sometimes the s...