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Hello AllI have created a C project for 303k8 on TrueStudio, but I get the following messages and the startup file opens rather, upon the launch of debugger:"​No source file named C:\Users\A Yazdani\Atollic\TrueSTUDIO\STM32_workspace_9.1\F303k8-Test\...
Hello AllI have configured ADC1 and ADC2, each with CONT=1 and L = 0, to convert two respective analog inputs on a software start, and the scheme works fine. However, when in the CCR I set the MULTI bits to 0b00110 (or to anything else for that matte...
Dear AllI am playing with TIM 1 to better understand its functionalities. My tests indicate that in the toggle mode (set through OCxM bits of CCMR): 1) The counter operates in the up-down mode, even if the CMS bits of CR1 are set to 00 (which is for ...
Hello AllI am using Nucleo F446re. I am trying to switch my system clock from the default ​16-MHz HSI to the external 8-MHz HSE (which is already supplied as MCO by a crystal to Pin 5 of the MCU, as the schematic shows). To that end, is there anythin...
Hello Community,Suppose that an ADC is configured to receive a differential input, say PA0 and PA1 as the non-inverting and inverting inputs respectively. Does that mean that the ADC reading can now be a negative number (corresponding to a a negative...