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Usart received data misaligned in buffer when I try to receive data from 2 modbus slaves. It works fine with 1 slave but when both the slaves are connected, after a period of time, usart stars misaligning received data. Can someone help?

This is my usart handler Also I clear the 1st received frame before receiving the 2nd modbus frame.void HAL_UART_IRQHandler1(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart){ __HAL_UART_CLEAR_PEFLAG(huart); __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(huart, UART_IT_ERR); __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(hu...

sne_123 by Associate III
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What happens at Vbat when Vdda is not present?

In my system (STM32L471) I want to periodically measure Vbat. Can I do this through the Vbat pin if Vdda may not always be present? Obviously I turn on Vdda whenever I want to measure Vbat but are there any leakage currents or other problems in case ...

Can not load a *.bin

Posted on May 24, 2018 at 14:21I already loaded some *.bin files, perfectly compiled with a perfectly functional tool chain.But today it doesn't work anymore...If I check with STLinkUpgrade 3.2.10, it tells me that the firmware is at version V2J30M2...

STM32F429IIT6 RTC Abnormal please help me!!

Hi everyone!! I am from TaiwanI am currently working on a project that records time using STM32F429IIT6VBAT is connected to the 3.3V output of the power supply.PDR_ON is connected to VDDPower on when VDD is powered offTime will be initializedProject ...

blin.0 by Associate II
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wake Up with uart interrupt from stop mode.

Posted on February 21, 2017 at 08:22hi,i write code to wake up with uart interrupt for stm32f4 discovery board.before sleep i use deinit uart function and configure rx pin as a gpio exti, in exti handler function i use deinit pin and init uart funct...

kosan by Associate II
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Cache problem with FreeRTOS and MPU

Hello everyone,For my current project I need the FreeRTOS+MPU to work on H7. I got it somehow to work with DTCMs. However, when I try to move the complete memory allocation to the AXI SRAMs the FreeRTOS is hanging in the systick handler (there is a f...

JLima by Associate II
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