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Forum Posts

[STM32H750] How to Debug in SDram

I use STM32H750XBH6, Flash is 128kBytes.My Program is too big,so I Write a BootLoader to load the program into sdram ,and run it in sdram.This is the setting of my APP in keil,This way can run the program successfully , but I cannot debug APP in Keil...

Passerby by Associate III
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I2C3 Slave need to re-power to work

Hi All,I am Ketan, and I am implementing own driver for STM32F4 device. I have STM32F4-DISCO Development, everything looks fine when I2C talks on-board slave device (CS43L22) but when I2C talk to external slave, which is connected thorough Jumper wir...

ketan_vd by Associate
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Unable to read second ADC channel

Hi,I am using STM32F030 for a project where I need to trigger ADC conversion every 100us. I am running this SoC on 8MHz HSI. I am using TIM3 TRG for initiating ADC conversion every 100us. I am obtain ADC every 100us with ADC_CH5 which is set to 3V3 a...

x4ce by Associate III
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Resolved! the circuit of STM32F429 NRST

Hi all,I'm using STM32F429BIT6。my question is: C3 is 3.3uF±10%,How do you like this circuit?When WDG reset in the MCU  STM32F429BIT6,It will lead to CMOS failure of the MCU NRST?If C3 is 2.2uF±10%,the CMOS of the MCU NRST will be OK?Thanks!NRST Circu...

NRST 3.3uF.jpg wdg Reset.png