2024-12-15 6:11 AM
I am looking to use one STM32 MCU with differential ADC support but can't find a custom search method for differential ADCs. Is there a way to list STM32 MCUs with differential ADCs?
Preferably M0 or M0+ cores but seems like M4 has it.
2024-12-15 6:57 AM
I couldn't find any way to get a list of these, probably going through the series would be the fastest way. Use your secondary selection choices (price, performance, power, etc.) to make the decision. I couldn't find any with an M0(+) core with differential ADC.
Also note that differential ADC on the STM32 is somewhat limited. It is only marginally more useful that converting two single ended inputs and subtracting them.
Usually for questions like this ChatGPT or something similar can be used. However, in this case, it just lies to you:
> is there an stm32 chip with a cortex-m0 or m0+ core that supports differential ADC mode?
> Yes, there are STM32 microcontrollers with Cortex-M0 or Cortex-M0+ cores that support differential ADC modes. For example, the STM32L0 series and the STM32G0 series both feature Cortex-M0+ cores and offer differential ADC capabilities2.
(Neither of these series support differential mode.)
Turns out STM32's marketing material alleges that the STM32G0 supports differential mode. Yet the reference manual says otherwise. So that's where it got it from.